How to compute for reinforcement steel bar unit weight?
The Steel quantity is generally calculated from the illustrations utilizing Bar Bending Schedule. Furthermore, the Steel quantity found utilized bar bending schedule is generally in measurement lengthwise/length of every bar dia needed.
In what way to obtain the formula for steel bar weight?
Description in what way it has been found D2/162 [remark - D unit is in mm]
Steel density (in Kgs/m3) = Steel weight (in Kgs)/Steel volume (in m3)
Therefore, bar weight (in Kgs) = Steel bar volume (in m3) X Steel Bar Density (in Kgs/ m3)
Information: Steel Bar Volume (m3) = Steel Bar Area ( X Steel Bar Length (m)
As the attempt is to compute the Steel Bar unit weight, the Steel Bar length in the computation might/would be 1 m or 1000 mm.
Steel Bar Area = [3.14 X D^2]/4
Steel Bar Density = 7850 Kgs/m3. = 7850/(1000 x 1000 x1000) mm3
Therefore analyzing/considering the information in the Weight formula
Steel Bar Unit Weight [in Kgs] = (3.14 x D^2)/4 x 1000 x 7850 / (1000 x 1000 x 1000) = D^2 X (0.006162)
To make simpler, reciprocate the decimal figure at this point that is, (1/0.006162) and obtain a value/figure of 162.28. Steel Bar Unit weight (in Kgs) equal to (D^2)/162.28 ~ (D^2)/162
Wherein D is the Steel Bar Diameter in mm.
In what way to compute the Steel Weight obtained on Site?
As it is tough to weigh/weight the bars on site, Trucks bringing/carrying steel (total weight/Gross weight) as well as empty truck (Unladen weight/Tare weight). Furthermore, steel Weight can be computed through the subsequent formula
Reinforcement Steel obtained on Site [in Kgs] equal to Gross Weight – Tare Weight
Furthermore, diesel allowance [thirty to forty Kgs] is diesel used among getting the 2 weights The Diesel allowance requires to be subtracted if the weigh bridge is distant from the site.
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