A perfect e-book for building construction engineers - Building Materials
This reference e-book, currently in its second version, offers a clear yet complete exposure of the civil engineering resources and applications of the materials generally utilized in building construction in the country. Excessively illustrated with tables, charts, and diagrams, the book draws light the fundamentals of building materials and their descriptions. In addition providing information about the conventional building materials, the e-book now enlightens the student and reader with modern and complete information referring to present materials available in the trade. The citations to IS codes and standards appoint this e-book appropriate for advance study and field applications.
- The second version holds some important modifications in Chapters 12, 13, 14 and 20.
- The new book provides a new chapter on durability of concrete in Chapter 12 and a customized chapter concerning emendation of IS 10262 (1982) code on concrete mix design to IS 10262 (2009) and a new chapter on categorization of exposure conditions in Chapter thirteen (13) and a new segment concerning major progresses in concrete construction and repair chemicals in Chapter fourteen (14).
- The text of Chapter 20 has been entirely revised, with a specific significance on the wide use of aluminum in building construction.
Basically proposed for the students participating in undergraduate degree (B.Tech./ B.E.) and diploma courses in architecture and civil engineering, this book, owing to class-based demonstration of the discipline, should also confirm positively designed to be practical for the young professors to utilize it in their classroom lectures as well as for working and trainee engineers to catch a lucid knowledge of the basics of the subject.
Features of This Edition:
- Self-evaluation questions at the end of each chapter facilitate the student or reader to summarize the topics.
- Self-evaluation questions at the end of each chapter facilitate the student or reader to summarize the topics
- Course of laboratory assignments on construction materials and a mock question paper (Anna University) are added in appendices to assist the reader.

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