Download Estimating Sheet for Building Contractor
Estimating Sheet for Construction Contractor is quite helpful for contractors. It offers a fast, effective and understandable solution for computing and making characteristic price sheets for building (construction) assignments.
The spreadsheet is also appropriate for computing and forming price information databases for electrical expert, plumber, builder, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, concrete, setting (landscape) contractor, painting, engineering, place conveniences, or additional construction linked task part as needed.
These types of estimating spreadsheets are used for the following purposes:
a. Checklist for budgeting: Make sure all important items on the list are accounted for in your preliminary budget
b. Checklist for estimating: Make sure all items get into your detailed estimate
c. Tracking estimated vs. actual costs for each line item (called “job costing”)
d. Tracking payments and amount due to all vendors and subcontractors
For additional info view the video:
Lecturer: rcargin1
Download Building Estimation in Excel Sheet