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Column Failure and its Different Types

Column Failure and its Different Types

The concrete column failure has occurred due to the lack of links in those areas where higher shear forces. Learn about the different types of concrete column failure that occur on the construction site.

Top 10 Longest Highways on Earth

Top 10 Longest Highways on Earth

The following article shows the world's top ten longest highways according to length. Discover more about them by continuing to read on.

A Guide to Pile Foundations & Selection

A Guide to Pile Foundations & Selection

Structures are built on pile foundations if they cannot be built on shallow foundations. As discussed in the article, pile foundations are selected based on the nature of the structure.

Cement Quality Check Methods

Cement Quality Check Methods

This article is all about the quality-checking methods of cement on site. We have mentioned some quality measures to verify the quality of the cement.

Bitumen Production Processes

Bitumen Production Processes

Bitumen is one of the products of crude oil processing. The properties of bitumen are influenced by the source of oil and the process of oil processing technology.

Alternatives of Sand in Concrete Mixture

Alternatives of Sand in Concrete Mixture

This article is all about the alternatives to sand in the concrete mixture, we have mentioned a few alternative options that can be used as a replacement for sand in the mixture.

The Types and Purposes of T Beam

The Types and Purposes of T Beam

Find out how T Beams are designed, what they are used for, and what they are made of. Find out everything you need to know about T Beams in this article.

Types of Levelling in Surveying

Types of Levelling in Surveying

You will find everything you need to know about leveling and its various types. Leveling is a method for calculating the height of one level in relation to another.

A Guide to Pile Foundations and Selection

A Guide to Pile Foundations and Selection

Structures are built on pile foundations if they cannot be built on shallow foundations. As discussed in the article, pile foundations are selected based on the nature of the structure.

Types of Land Survey and Their Use

Types of Land Survey and Their Use

The purpose of a land survey is to generate data, and we will discuss some of the most common types along with their purposes in this article.

Bridge Foundation Construction Process

Bridge Foundation Construction Process

In this section, the process of foundation construction of bridge is explained. Information about the process of bridge foundation constructionis provided.

Definition and Types of Combined Footing

Definition and Types of Combined Footing

This post also provides on information about why combined footings are used. Check out what is combined footing, purpose of combined footing, use of combined footing, etc.

Methods to Repair Cracks in Concrete

Methods to Repair Cracks in Concrete

Find out how to repair cracks in concrete. Obtain information regarding concrete crack repair methods, that is, methods of concrete crack repair.

Estimation of Steel Reinforcement in Slab

Column Design as per ACI codes

This civil engineering article provides detail information on design of column according to ACI code as per american concrete institute.

Construction of Box Girder Bridge

Construction of Box Girder Bridge

What is the purpose of a box girder bridge? Box girder bridges specification. Application of box girder bridge. Advantages of box girder bridge.

Design of Pile Cap

Design of Pile Cap

In this construction article, you can get details on what is a pile cap and what is its purpose.

Methods of Pile Load Test

Methods of Pile Load Test

This exclusive civil engineering article provides brief discussions on load test on piles and methods of pile load test.

Leveling Surveying Procedure

Leveling Surveying Procedure

In this civil engineering article, you will be familiar with some commonly used levelling surveying methods, equipment used in levelling surveying.

How to Calculate Load on Column

How to Calculate Load on Column

In this construction article, detail information is provided on how to measure / calculate loads which act on wall, column, slab and beam in a structure?

Precast Concrete Stairs Construction

Precast Concrete Stairs Construction

In this civil engineering article, detail information is provided on precast concrete stairs advantages and precast concrete stairs construction.

Highway Geometric Design

Highway Geometric Design

Highway geometric design in which representative sample (cross-section) element, view (sight) length (distance) concept and horizontal & vertical arrangement are assumed to be set.

Requirements for Good Staircase

Requirements for Good Staircase

Good staircase must offer a comfortable, swift and secure means of travel connecting the different floors of the building.

Types of Construction and Applications

Types of Construction and Applications

Each building has a different structural and foundation support, and types of construction play a very important role in adding an indigenous characteristic to the design.

Top Three Cities Where Construction is Trending High

Top Three Cities Where Construction is Trending High

The construction industry is growing larger with time and it contributes a major part to a national economy. Nearly every country in the world is adopting the best methods and techniques to make a strong place in the field.

Usefulness of Concrete

Usefulness of Concrete

Usefulness of concrete is explained as the simplicity and uniformity with which a newly assorted...

Design of Building

Design of Building

Design of a structure or a construction demonstrates the sketch of its groundwork on the ground...

Kinds of Surveying

Kinds of Surveying

Surveying is mainly categorized as following - Plane surveying: Plane Surveying is that kind of...

Applications of cement

Applications of cement

At this moment, the cement is extensively used across the planet in the creation of different...

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