RCC Box Culvert Bar Bending Schedule

In the reinforcement, there are top slab, bottom slab and outside walls.
Box culvert typical section (6x7), where 6 are inside length and 7 is inside height. Top slab has top main bar and bottom main bar.
Dots signify distribution bars. Bottom slab has top main bar and bottom main bar. Dots signify distribution bars. There’re outside walls with vertical main bars. Dots indicate distribution bars.
There’re bars at 45 degree, known as haunch bars. Wall thickness is 10 inches. Top bar size is #4 @ 6” centre to centre. Bottom bar size is #5 @ 6” centre to centre. Haunch size is #4 @ 12” centre to centre.
Cross-section distribution bars are # 4 @ 12” centre to centre. Vertical bars are # 4 @ 6” centre to centre. Top bars are # 4 @ 6” centre to centre. Bottom bars in bottom slab are # 5 @ 6” centre to centre. Bottom slab is slightly bigger than top slab.
Horizontal length = length – concrete cover
Band is according to slab thickness.
Slab thickness = 10”
Concrete cover (from top and bottom) is 2”
3” band cover is considered
Cut length = length – (2 x concrete cover)
Top bar length = 7.67’
Band = 3”
1’ offset
Concrete cover = 2”
Culvert length = 20’ Box culvert typical section (6 x 7)
r = square root(x2 + y2)
r = square root (1.668 + 1.642)
r = 1.819
Haunch bar total length = 0.5 + 0.5 + 1.819 = 2.819
Numbers = (length – 2 x concrete cover)/spacing + 1
Diameter and length are same in case of distribution bars. [Calculated single time]
Diameter is different in case of top and bottom main bars. [Calculated separately]
Total Length = Bar Length x Numbers x Rows
Weight = d2/52.896
Total Weight = Total Length x Weight/ft
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Lecturer: Civil Gyaan