Balanced Footings and Cantilever Footings
A fair footing which is too named as strap footings comprises two different footings associated by a strap beam. Balanced footing is needed anywhere the unit of the footing has inadequate space for supporting, or if there is any limit over the shift of pressure from the foundation to the earth. This instance may occur where there is dissimilarity in soil enduring potential, or detached soil under one of the foundation. The loads in an evenhanded footing is shifted from one base to the other by modes of cantilever movement, therefore it is also named as a cantilever footing.
Balanced footing is dissimilar from a united footing in a manner that a shared footing has a solo footing and a fair or cantilever base has two different footings which are linked by a strap beam. The strap beam transmits the loads from exterior footing to the major footing by mediums of cantilever movement.
A balanced footing and cantilever footing is utilized under subsequent situations:
- When the footing does not have enough area to transmit the loads securely to the ground, such as in instance of footing constructed on the property line. It is also utilized when the soil sustaining the foundation does not have sufficient supporting capability to transmit the loads securely and section of the footing cannot be augmented further than the perimeter.
- When the new structure is constructed close to the present building or construction, and the prevailing building cannot bear the loads from new building, then fresh column and footing has to be offered close to the prevailing structure, however there will be finite area for footing.
- Collective footings can also be utilized for sustaining two columns, however when the distance between the two columns is extremely large, it turns out to be costly due to great bending moment to bear two columns on a particular footing, and then a strap beam is utilized for linking such footings.
In evenhanded footings, center of gravity of loads and footings has to clash in order that the pressure on the foundation is consistent. In instance of cantilever footing, as one of the columns is carried by a cantilever activity, the center of gravity of loads and footings may not clash and therefore pressure on foundations may not be consistent.
The evenhanded footings and cantilever footings are intended by stabilizing the loads on the foundations by way of addition of deceased loads on the interior column. In instance when the fulcrum is close to the internal column, the internal footing may be extremely weighty.
The strap beam linking the two footings are formulated based bending moments owing to external and internal column loads and as a cantilever in instance of cantilever footings.