How to compute concrete volume for retaining wall

We’ve assumed a retaining wall section. There’re two parts. First part is base (denoted by A) and second part is stem (denoted by B).

Therefore, retaining wall volume = base slab volume + stem volume

A) Base slab
Base slab length = 4 m
Base slab breadth = 12 m
Base slab thickness = 300 mm = 0.300 m
Base slab volume = length x breadth x height = 4 x 12 x 0.300 = 14.4 m3

B) Stem is in trapezoid shape
Stem length = 12 m
Stem height = 4 m
Pinnacle thickness (a) = 0.300 m
Bottom thickness (b) = 0.600 m
Therefore, stem volume = [{(a + b)/2} x h] x l
Stem volume = [{(0.3 + 0.6)/2} x 4] x 12 = 21.6 m3
Overall volume of retaining wall = 14.4 + 21.6 = 36 m3

In another type of generally constructed retaining wall, there’re three parts, one is base slab A and second is slab B, and third one is counterfort C.

Retaining wall volume = Base slab volume + stem volume + counterfort volume

Retaining wall volume = A volume + B volume + C volume

Let’s measure volume of base slab A

Volume of A = length x breadth x height = 13 x 3 x 0.3 = 11.7 m3

Let’s measure volume of stem B

Part B is in trapezoid shape,
Therefore, volume of B = [{(a + b)/2} x h] x l = [{(0.3 + 0.4)/2} x 4] x 13 = 18.2 m3

Let’s measure volume of counterfort C
Part C is in trapezoid shape,
Therefore, volume of C = [{(a + b)/2} x h] x l = [{(0.6 + 3)/2} x 4] x 0.3 = 2.16 m3

There are two counterforts, therefore,

Volume of C = 2 x 2.16 m3 = 4.32 m3

Overall volume of retaining wall = 11.7 m3 + 18.2 m3 + 4.32 m3 = 34.22 m3

To get more details, go through the following video tutorial.

Lecturer: Civil Study

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How to compute concrete volume for retaining wall