How to organize a Total Station for taking Measurements
In that construction section, one is going to know about certain valuable guidelines to set the total station also known as theodolite above a point as well as ideally level it instantly as well as smoothly.
Measure 1: Enlarge the trip legs uniformly.
Measure 2: Distribute the legs in an even triangle.
Measure 3: Check the tripod head is not uniformly level.
Measure 4: Raise the whole tripod and place it above the nail.
Measure 5: Remove and check that the nail is in line with the central point of the tripod head from each and every side.
Measure 6: Keep the screw fixing in vertical direction as well as at the central point of the tripod head as well as verify it to make sure that it is set in middle.
Measure 7: Make sure that the head of the tripod is even or flat.
Measure 8: Label feet tripod firmly within the ground. Validate that it even stays in middle above the nail.
Measure 9: Examine the optical plummet; adjust the footscrews until the black circle is in center above the nail.
Measure 10: Change the length of two of the legs until the circular bubble stays in middle spot.
Measure 11: Repeat the measures nine and ten as frequently as needed until the nail as well as circular bubble is in center.
Measure 12: Like a substitute, once the circular bubble stays in center spot and the spot is nearby the nail, free the fixing screw as well as slide the total station above the head of the tripod until in center.
Measure 13: Rotate the long bubble until it is parallel to both the footscrews. Describe them as A and B. Footscrew C refers to the left footscrew.
Measure 14: Rotate A and B in counter (opposite) directions until the bubble stays in middle spot.
Measure 15: Rotate through ninety degrees.
Measure 16: Utilize footscrew C distinctly to manage the long bubble.
Measure 17: Rotate through ninety degrees.
Measure 18: Rotate A as well as B in counter (opposite) directions until the bubble stays in middle position.
Measure 19: Rotate through ninety degrees.
Measure 20: Use footscrew C distinctly to center the long bubble.
To get more clear ideas, go through the following exclusive construction video tutorial.
Lecturer: DCBA online
Measure 21: Rotate through 90 degrees, get to the beginning point. The long bubble must stay in middle. It isn’t just, repeat from measure 18.
Measure 22: Examine the optical plummet to confirm that one is still in center above the nail.
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Image Courtesy: youtube