Application Software for Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams

LTBeam is computer program which takes care of the elastic "Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams" below bending activity with reference to their main axis.
LTBeam is program to be utilized for the blueprint of Steel constructions. It has been created by CTICM (Centre Technique Industrial de la Construction Metallique - France) in the framework of an European study assignment moderately financed by the European Community for Steel and Coal (ECSC Project No 7210-PR183 : "Lateral torsional buckling of steel and composite beams" – 1999 to 2002).
The lateral torsional buckling fact (LTB) comes into sight while the bending activity comes to a serious stage. It produces abruptly and concurrently a tangential bending distortion and a longitudinal torsional malformation beside the abandoned extent of beam.
LTBeam have relevance to linear single- or multiple-strecth beams, below straightforward bending in relation to their sturdy axis, with extra - or single-proportional cross-sections with reference to this level of twisting. Indirect fetters against Lateral Torsional Bending could be distinct or nonstop, full or stretchy, and can affect the lateral migration, the torsional turning round, the lateral bending rotary motion and the twisting. In the same manner that loading, lateral restraints can be implemented at a stretch higher than or under the shear middle of the cross-sections.
LTBeam is by preference intended to take care of steel beams, however others materials can be utilized, on situation that suitable properties are put in.
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