List of Free Online Construction Courses and Learning Resources / Learning Materials
Check our list of the very best free online construction courses and learning materials available. You’ll find what online courses, learning materials and resources are being offered and what subjects & topics they teach to help you select the course that's best for you.
Information on Free Online Construction Courses and Learning Materials: Free online construction courses are mainly present in OpenCourseWare (OCW) programs provided by universities. They are not credit-bearing which means that they generally cannot be taken for credit. Furthermore, all course materials cannot be presented, like some tests and reference materials. Additional resources and materials for free online construction courses and materials comprise (USDOL) the United States Department of Labor and (CDC) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Here is the List of Free Online Construction Courses:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Project Management includes the computable devices, techniques and concepts utilized in project management of construction. More topics comprise risk control & management, project assessments and scheduling. A recommended reading list is also presented, and it is easy for students to download lectures and term project instructions in the form of PDF files.
- Building Technology I: Materials and Construction inspects the construction, concept and record of structural mechanisms. It also inspects buildings and energy problems. A responsive learning means is offered that can assist students to know structural forces, even though a Java plug-in is needed. Other materials comprise lecture notes, a project, questions with answers and study material, everything present in the form of PDF files.
(CDC) Centres for Disease Control and Prevention
- Construction Equipment Visibility inspects the blind spots or areas of different construction vehicles, comprising backhoe loaders, graders and dozers. This info can help avoid mishaps on a construction location, site or spot.
University of Cape Town
- Part A and B of Construction Technology I are composed as per South African norms and rules for the construction engineering, it is of great value to students and readers looking for info on construction methods. Students are informed to building sections, comprising walls, ramps, foundations, stairs, roofs and floors.
- Introduction to Project Planning inspects the function of planning in management of construction projects. A manual covering planning techniques and a critical path method presentation are presented in the form of PDF files.
United States Department of Labor
- Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) Construction eTool is basically a tutorial on directing and determining construction dangers that can bring about critical damage and injury. The tutorial inspects electrical, struck-by, excavation and trenching dangers, along with drops and falls. It's demonstrated in the format of text with drawings and a lot of additional resource links.
- Avoidance & Prevention Videos: Construction Hazards demonstrates in what way construction workers can prevent damage on the work site. Topics included comprise construction drops and falls, exertions and injuries, struck-by hazards & accidents, carbon monoxide gas pollution along with excavation & trenching mishaps.
Delft University of Technology
- Use of Underground Space is basically a podcast including topics like substratum basics, hazard and safety management, basements, tunnels, different constructions, underground outlining, lawful conditions and land uses. Free learning materials comprise 11 video lectures along with PDF slideshow files, lectures, readings, instructions for an elective final paper and model completed papers.

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