Guidelines on maximum spacing among two RCC columns

The construction video lesson makes clear what must be the highest distance/ spacing centre to centre amid 2 concrete columns in addition to highest apparent and efficient distances.
The lesson is an excellent material / resource for civil engineering students.
Clear span indicates the obvious space amid 2 internal facades of the adjacent support such as wall, column, etc. while efficient distance amid the support’s middles or the obvious space amid the supports together with the effective depth of the slab or beam, the lesser quantity / value is selected.
The usual distance amid 2 columns is 16.40 feet or 5 meter. The highest distance amid 2 columns is 24 feet or 7.5 meter (As 1 meter is equal to 3.28084 feet). The least distance amid 2 columns is 5 to 7 feet or 2 to 3 meter.
It is used in shaft wall, lift wall, or offering space available to huge barrier. That sort of short column is offered in staircase, kitchen, retaining wall etc.
In case the spacing amid columns is increased, the dimension and distance downwards of the columns turn out to be increased.
At the same time as designing a column, equivalent distance must be kept amid the middle of 2 columns. The huge column dimension must be utilized to contain larger barrier available distance.
It is suggested to organize a column arrangement at a grid.
The distance amid 2 columns of dimension 9” x 9” must not be over and above four meter centre to centre of column.
The dimension of the column turns out to be more because of the subsequent causes:-
Rise in the distance amid 2 columns (It increases the measurements of the columns together with the beam depth.) Building height (rise in the quantity of floors is exactly corresponding to the measurements of the columns.)
Get through the subsequent video lesson to obtain additional information.
Lecturer: Civil Engineer- Fieldwork Expert