Everything you need to know about the Bar Bending Schedule (BBS)
A bar bending schedule is a tabular document that describes the specifics of reinforcement bars, the shape of the bend with sketches, and the length of each total length of reinforcement bar along with the weight of the reinforcement bars.
A schedule of bars is usually prepared for each type of RCC work that will be performed. By using BBS, you are able to know the requirements of different sizes and lengths of bars at the time of construction and be able to arrange and bend them up in accordance with those requirements.
Here is some of the information that BBS will provide you:-
- Specific bar sizes and kinds.
- Bending form using a drawing, if any.
- The number of sets or the number of bars in each set.
- Total length and length of each in running meters.
- Total weight and weight per unit length.
Importance of Bar Bending Schedule
A labor force is responsible for the cutting and bending of the steel bars on the site. Due to the fact that the laborers working on the site do not possess a high level of technical expertise, it is difficult to explain them in a drawing.
When it comes to cutting and bending of steel, there is a chance of making a mistake; this can be explained to the customer very easily with the help of BBS since BBS includes the shapes and cutting lengths of the bars.
In the presence of a supervisor, the laborers can easily be guided and complete the required work according to the design requirements and specifications set by the structural engineer.
Benefits of Bar Bending Schedule
Here are a few benefits of BBS:-
- With the aid of BBS, work is completed more quickly on the job site, lowering construction costs and time.
- BBS lowers cutting reinforcement waste.
- BBS aids in the improvement of quality control on the job site.
- It aids in stock management on the job site.
- It aids in auditing reinforcement and prevents stealing.
- It aids in the quick compilation of building bills.
- It aids in estimating the amount of steel required.
Rules to perform BBS
Here are a few rules to perform the BBS:-
- The bars utilized in the structure of the building should be organized by structural unit and mentioned separately for each storey.
- The bars should be listed numerically.
- Each bar in the bundle is labeled uniquely with reference parameters to aid with identification.
- The kind and shape of the bar must adhere to the requirements.
- The label of bar mark references linked to a bundle of bars must uniquely correspond to an acceptable set or group of defined form, size, length, and type of bars employed in the job.
- Cutting and bending lengths should be calculated independently and not included in the complete list.
To get more details, watch the following video tutorial.
Lecturer: Civil Engineers
Objectives of Bar Bending Schedule
Here are a few objectives of the BBS:-
Download Bar Bending Schedule Spreadsheet
- It aids in determining the overall amount of steel required for the building of a structure. It also helps to quote the cost of steel for tender.
- BBS aids in determining the cutting and bending lengths of reinforcement, which improves construction quality and reduces steel waste, making construction more cost-effective.
- BBS provides for reinforcing cutting and bending at the plant and transportation to the job site. It enables speedier building and lowers construction expenses.
- It is obvious for site engineers to check the cutting and bending lengths of the reinforcement before pouring the concrete.