Rama Setu - An Engineering Wonder of 5076 BCE
Rama and his group are believed to have constructed this bridge beyond the seas to Lanka. Did Rama be real? Is Rama ancient? Although religion is a subject of belief, authenticity is a subject of subsistence. Well in the last 100 years huge progression have been made in knowing the past by means of contemporary scientific tools. Therefore, let us observe Ramayana from this new scientific standpoint and find out Rama was really factual and if definite dates can be assigned to him in contemporary English calendar.
Ramayana is a geologically accurate text. Each location visited by Rama is now recognizable through authentic landmarks, honorary temples and local fictions.
Mahabharata and Ramayana, the long-established chronological texts of India hold a lot of planetary visions as documented by the historians. As soon as we sort out these data and look for them by means of the planetarium software, it produces dates of when these compositions should have happened in the past.
We will call this method of dating by means of sorted out astronomical data introduced in antique texts as archeoastronomy, as this method of examining the atmosphere formations in the past four events revealed is similar to digging into the earth for archeological proofs.
We all recognize that Rama’s birth is celebrated on Shri Ramnavmi which indicates that he was born on the ninth day of lunar month of Chaitra. Rama was born on the Navimi tithi of Shukla Paksha of Chiatra masa (9th day of the growing stage of the moon in the lunar month of Chaitra). At that time, the nakshatras was Punarvasu, and Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus were in Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer and Pisces correspondingly. Lagna was Cancer and Jupiter and Moon were glittering together.
Conditions summarized as follows:
1. Sun in Aries
2. Saturn in Libra
3. Jupiter in Cancer
4. Venus in Pisces
5. Mars in Capricorn
6. Lunar month of Chaitra
7. 9th day after New moon (Navmi tithi, Shukla paksh)
8. Moon near, Punarvasu nakshatra
9. Cancer as Lagna
When this information is posted into the planetarium software, it provides us the data of Rama’s birth as 10th January, 5114 Before Common Era. The dates thrown up by the planetary software are naturally in accordance with the series of events of the Ramayana saga.
Dates naturally reliable:
• 10th January 5114 BCE – Sri Ram Navami – Birth Day
• 11th January 5114 BCE – Birth of Bharata
• 4th January 5089 BCE - Pre coronation eve
• 7th October 5077 BCE – Khar – Dushan episode
• 3rd April 5076 BCE – Vali Vardham
• 12th September 5076 BCE – Hanuman’s visit to Lanka
• 14th September 5076 BCE – Hanuman’s return from Lanka
• 20th September 5076 BCE – Army reach to Lanka
• 12th October 5076 BCE – Army reach Ravana’s fort
• 24th November 5076 BCE – Meghnatha killed
Let us observe the ground details now. No main archeological remnants of the era of Rama have been on ground thus far. This is for the reason that Rama is supposed to have lived thousands of years ago. In a continual culture, dynasties come and go and as they continue to making and upgrading their cities, they annihilate or change proofs of the preceding generation. Therefore, we don’t discover and it is not simple to discover proofs in Ayodhya or additional parts of the land now.
The single place to search for archeological evidences of Rama is the Rama Setu which nowadays might be submersed in the sea. The Ramayana gives us the procedure of bridge construction in excellent and definite detail. This degree of enumerating of bridge construction pushes us to look at the details. This construction particularization can be analyzed from the angles of survey, planning and civil engineering involved.
Rama and his group appeared to have examined this land for a feasible bridge construction site. Nala inducts himself as a living child of the Vishwakarma clan and tenders to construct this bridge. Rama approves his qualifications and designates him as the head engineer. Under the command of Nala, the vanar soldiers go about constructing this bridge on the sea ridge.
Let us inspect the civil engineering methods used in this bridge construction. The initial is the foundation details. Those Vanara packed the sea with of all kinds of trees like Sala and Asvakarna, Dhava and bamboo, Kutaja, Arjuna, palmyra, Tilaka, Tinisa, Bilva, Saptaparna, Karnika, mango and Asoka. The Ramayana very evidently declares that wood was used from a diversity of trees. The names of which are suggested here were initially dumped on the sea ridge to provide a pile foundation or wood cushion effect. It was lying on this; the big and small stones were heaped up.
Still to this day, the leftovers of the bridge have the smooth finished level. Because of the course of time of several million years, sand has amassed above the structure and what we are capable to observe now are mostly sandbanks and displays in case we cautiously push the amassed sand, we are definite to observe the levels of the bridge construction. In the foundation layer, the wood utilized by the Vanara for the foundation would surely be there.
Clearly, through the last so many thousand years, the wood would have hardened and turn out to be carbonaceous material and would perhaps now be vegetal grains.
The Ramayana then says of the vanara having ropes on both sides of the bridge being made and the wood and stones being stacked between them. The Ramayana evidently declares that the vanara kept ropes for several yojana to construct the bridge in appropriate lineal order. From this depiction it is obvious that it was not simply accidental pushing of stones but an intentional attempt which gave attention to the thought of straight orientation which is even today apparent from the atmospheric snapshot of the bridge.
The distances they traveled every day is also revealed in the legend. In the legend, it is clearly revealed that the whole distance of the bridge was 100 yojana in length and 10 yojana in breadth. This is a 10 is to 1 ratio. Now, at definite site cases, the Rama Setu or Adam’s bridge estimates to 35 km in length by 3.5 km in breadth. This is too a 10 is to 1 ratio.
Subsequent to the triumphant battle with the Ravana, during returning along with Sita to Ayodhya in the puskpaka vimana, they fly over the bridge. Rama then indicates this bridge to Sita and declares as how hard it was for them to build and how it was just Nala, the chief engineer, who could complete it and Rama names it Nala Setu.
When did this Nala Setu get to be named Adam’s bridge? The bridge was initially named Nala Setu like we have seen. Later on the natives out of their respect and worship for Rama began naing it Rama Setu and shortly it also received the title ‘setu bandha’ that which links two lands. This has been a journeying bridge for several centuries. Throughout the passage of its initial use, one of the initial Islamic spiritual heads of Sri Lanka walked over this bridge and visited Lanka to do self-mortification there.
As he was the first Islamic man, he was named Adam by the Sri Lankan Muslims. After the Europeans arrived to this part of the world, they might simply connect to the name Adam and they began naming it Adam’s bridge in their chronicles and the name state.
In the preceding few decades, artificial satellites have been frequently revolving the earth and imaging different parts of the earth. One such region they have shot is the southern part of India. In this collection of photographs, the bridge is also evident. It can be definitely seen like a thin underwater cosmic linking the two lands.
These snaps meaningfully designate it to be synthetic because of its exclusive curving. The belief of several is that this might be synthetic bridge as written in the Ramayana legend. This viaduct is a civil engineering miracle. While this bridge was constructed, it should have been at most 1 meter over the then water level that is when the bridge was constructed the sea should have been 3 meters or 9 feet underneath the current sea level.
As said by the world oceanography report a nine feet rise in sea levels because of the thawing of polar ice caps and global warming would have transpired through thousands of years. This assists us to determine/date the bridge construction to around seven thousand years ago or 5000 Before Common Era. Now we have to fairly publicize a structure under the Archeological Survey of India Act Clause 4 to name this a heritage monument of India. It is a ideal to be named a civil engineering spectacle of a prehistoric civilization.
Video Source: Bharath Gyan