Here's a list of Construction Vibrators for Concrete Compaction
Compaction of concrete is carried out using different types of concrete vibrators depending on the construction and structural requirements. Concrete vibrations of high frequency are being developed for compacting stiff concrete.
To achieve the best compaction of concrete, vibrators with different vibration speeds should be used, since concrete contains particles of different sizes. It is possible to manufacture concrete compaction vibrators with frequencies ranging from 2800 to 15000 rpm.
Using vibrators with varying speeds is best for concrete particles of different sizes. Concrete compactors are often referred to as poly frequency vibrators. Concrete with a stiff consistency is best compacted with these.
Importance of Construction Vibrators
Concrete construction projects require vibration as a crucial step. It is possible for concrete to contain hundreds or even thousands of air bubbles, which can seriously weaken the concrete structure. Using concrete vibrators, air bubbles in freshly poured concrete are vigorously removed.
Types of Construction Vibrators
Needle or Immersion Vibrators
In a poker, an eccentric vibrating element is incorporated into a steel tube with rounded ends. In many cases, a flex tube connects the poker to an electric motor, sometimes also to a diesel motor.
The needle vibrators range in diameter from 40 mm to 100 mm. In the formwork, the spacing between the reinforcing bars determines the poker's diameter. Vibrations produced by needle vibrators usually range from 3000 to 6000 rpm. The concrete should be layered no higher than 600mm high and the vibration period can be between 30 seconds and 2 minutes.
Shutter Vibrators
Forms and concrete can be vibrated in this way. A shutter vibrator is also called an external vibrator and is clamped rigidly to the formwork at pre-determined points.
A vibration motor is more powerful than an internal one for given compaction. Vibrating at 3000 to 9000 rpm and accelerating at 4 g, these vibrators operate at a frequency of around 3000 to 9000 rpm. A shutter vibrator is used more often for pre-casting thin sections that do not have the thickness required for internal vibrators.
Surface Vibrators
A depth of more than 250 mm should not be used for this type of concrete. Surface vibrators are used for compacting shallow elements on concrete masses. Compacting dry mixes with surface vibrators is the most effective. Generally, pan vibrators and vibrating screeds are used as surface vibrators. These vibrators typically operate at a frequency of 4000 rpm. Small slabs with a thickness of less than 150 mm are best suited for surface vibrators.
Vibrating Table
Powered by an electric motor, it can run on a battery power source. The vibration table consists of a rigid steel platform mounted on flexible springs.
The normal frequency of a vibrating table is 4000 revolutions per minute. For manufactured pre-cast elements, such as those in factories or laboratories, these types of vibrators are excellent for compacting harsh concrete mixes.
Benefits of Construction Vibrators
- Water-cement ratios as low as 0.6 can be used.
- As the work rate increases, the amount of work is completed.
- It is possible to avoid the honeycomb structure.
- Heavily reinforced structures can be compacted easily.
- It is possible to create a dense and watertight structure using vibrators.
- Using a high aggregate cement ratio is possible.
To get more clear ideas, go through the following exclusive construction video tutorial.
Lecturer: Anime_Edu - Civil Engineering Videos
Applications of Construction Vibrators
Construction based applications require concrete vibrators. It is possible to find them in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Generally, concrete compaction in roads, railroads, and buildings is accomplished with this device. In order to remove air and excess water trapped in freshly poured concrete, it consolidates it.